



Analysis of the local wind microclimate around new developments can introduce sheltered areas while limiting adverse wind effects. ÖRUGG consulting engineers use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate wind around buildings and evaluate the impact of a development on the local wind microclimate by producing a map with suitable activities for pedestrians based on the predicted wind conditions. A wind analysis is performed both on the planning phase and the design phase of developments to help architects, developers, planners, and authorities, to create the environment they envisage by evaluating the quality of the outdoor areas for the planned pedestrian activities.
  • CFD simulation of wind
  • Local wind microclimate analysis for developments in the planning and design phase
  • Pedestrian comfort and safety analysis around developments
  • Quality of outdoor areas
  • Activity map based on wind conditions
Wind engineering
ÖRUGG simulates wind with computer fluid dynamics (CFDs) and assesses theimpact of buildings on local wind speed by preparing a use map showing suitableactivities of people for each area, i.e. wind conditions.Wind engineering is used at the local planning level to assistarchitects, developers and authorities in creating a building environment thatmeets expectations. Wind analysis is also used at the design stage of buildingsto analyze the wind environment for further development.With wind engineering, it ispossible to create protective areas and prevent unpleasant wind conditions inthe vicinity of buildings by examining different building proposals andimplementing local measures.